Capability Management Excellence

Distinctive capabilities can be one of the greatest sources of an organization’s competitive advantage. “Capability Management Excellence” is an application-based certification program that enables participants with concepts and tools to appreciate holistically the art and science of organizational capability management. The program enables the “how to” of diagnosis, design and deployment of capability building interventions. The target audience of the program consists of Commercial, Learning and HR leaders and those who are in, or want to take up organizational capability building roles.

This is perhaps the only program of its kind available in the market. It is designed to build and drive strategic capability building skills in current and aspiring capability practitioners covering the 360 degree dimensions of capability building, including diagnosis, identification and prioritization of capability themes, designing the strategic capability building approach, secure senior leadership alignment and sponsorship, and build implementation success factors and measures as an integral part of the design. The participants will have access to Xaltem’s proprietary diagnostic tools and templates. The program design includes pre program assessments and tools to help participants prepare for the workshop, 2 days in-person instructor-led workshop, and access to curated learning content through Xaltem’s world class learning management system.